Comparison of different types of dermoscopy

Dermatoscopy is a non-invasive technique that dermatologists use to check for skin lesions. There are three main modes of dermoscopy:

Polarized contact dermoscopy: In this mode, polarized light is used, and the polarized light vibrates on a plane. It provides a better view of deeper skin structures and reduces glare. Contact dermoscopy uses an interfacial fluid (such as alcohol or ultrasound gel) to enhance the observation of the superficial skin layer.

comparison of polarized and nonpolarized

Polarization non-contact dermoscopy: Similar to polarization contact dermoscopy, but without direct contact with the skin. It is suitable for lesions in sensitive areas or cases where access is not possible.

Unpolarized contact dermoscopy (unpolarized dermoscopy) : Using unpolarized light, polarized light vibrates on multiple planes. It can be converted into polarized light by reflection from non-metallic surfaces. Glare can be reduced by using glass panels with a refractive index smaller than your skin. Interfacial fluids are also used for better visualization

Combining polarized and unpolarized dermoscopy improves diagnostic accuracy and clinician confidence. If you're looking for a specific dermoscopy recommendation, you can explore options such as IBOOLO.

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