IBOOLO woods lamp DE-315 UV 365nm & UV405nm violet light dermoscopy wood's lamp veterinarian
IBOOLO woods lamp DE-315 UV 365nm & UV405nm violet light dermoscopy wood's lamp veterinarian
Advantages of Wood's Lamp 315
• Ultra long-life battery 2000mAh
Technical Specification
Woods Lamp DE-315 VISION
To effectively evaluate skin, excellent light and magnification are needed. The visual portion of diagnosis is based on distribution and morphology. 2 types of light source, 3 levels of brightness control, gives a lot choice to test under different situations.
60MM Lens
DE-315 woods lamp with the 60mm diameter. The big diameter designed to make sure there’s no missed corners and gaps, to present a super wide and clear visualization.
No Cross Contamination
The Wood lamp is turned on to warm up for about a minute. Room lights are turned off, and window shades are drawn, or black drape used to darken the surroundings completely. After waiting to adapt to the dark, the skin is examined with Wood lamp for a few seconds. The lamp is held about 10-30 cm away from the skin. The examination is painless and safe.
2000mAh Big Battery
Box Design